Cut Down on Time & Costs with a Trade Show in a Box

Trade show appearances can be time consuming, expensive, full of worry and hassle, and more times than not leave you scrambling for something at the last minute. Keep reading to learn more about how a tradeshow-in-a-box can reduce the amount of time and money it takes to impress at a trade show! 


Trade shows can make a huge difference in the bottom line for many businesses. The opportunity to network, attract attention from prospective customers, and gain insight into your industry are invaluable benefits that come from attending trade shows. However, if your business is new to trade shows, or you just haven’t perfected the challenge of preparing for a trade show, the task can be daunting. 

A tradeshow-in-a-box could be the solution to your trade show woes. A tradeshow-in-a-box is a kit that includes everything you need to make a strong and positive first impression on visitors to your trade show booth. Not only does a tradeshow-in-a-box include visuals to make your business stand out, it makes the logistics of attending a trade show simple! 

The Benefits of a Tradeshow-In-A-Box 

The average trade show appearance takes 6-9 months to successfully plan. From coming up with a budget, to considering logistics, to developing promotional materials, to hiring the right team to man your booth, the process is complicated. A tradeshow-in-a-box streamlines the process so that you can focus on what matters most: your business. 

A tradeshow-in-a-box is a portable kit that includes everything you need to set up a trade show booth with minimal effort in a short amount of time. The one produced and offered by Earnest Images, contains a quick fab or grand fabric wall, a banner stand, a brochure holder, lights, and a shipping case that when wrapped with a graphic and topped with a tabletop converts to an open or closed Podium. 

By incorporating all of the trade show booth materials into a quick set-up, easy to ship, simple to move kit, your trade show appearance becomes exponentially straightforward. There are other benefits to a tradeshow-in-a-box as well, for example a tradeshow-in-a-box is: 

  • Cost Efficient: No doubt about it, a tradeshow-in-a-box costs less than a custom booth design. But the savings don’t stop there. A portable trade show booth (aka a tradeshow-in-a-box) is easier to ship which results in lower shipping costs. 

  • Versatile: The functionality of a tradeshow-in-a-box is indisputable. If your business attends one trade show after another, you know that the space allowed for your booth is different at each show. A portable booth allows you some flexibility with set-up unlike a customized booth that needs the exact same amount of space at each show. 

  • Lightweight: Being made of lightweight materials makes a portable booth, like a tradeshow-in-a-box, easy to carry and transport. Traditional trade show booths are heavy and made up of large components that need to be boxed and shipped to each show. A tradeshow-in-a-box can be carried by one individual and set up in a short amount of time. 

  • Durable: Investing in any trade show materials is an added cost to your business, and you want that investment to last. A tradeshow-in-a-box is composed of elements that are constructed with materials like aluminum, carbon fiber, and hard plastic, as well as graphic materials that are printed on engineered wrinkle-free cloth. Not only will these materials withstand the trade show hussle, but they are also lightweight and easy to assemble. 

  • A Time Saver: Customized, traditional trade show booths can take months to construct. A tradeshow-in-a-box, depending on the specifics of your display, can cut that time in half or even less. Not only does construction of the booth take less time, setting it up at trade shows, taking it down and packing it up after a show, and transporting the kit all take less time as well. 


A tradeshow-in-a-box is a great option compared to a conventional trade show booth. The practicality of the portable kit offered by Earnest Images will make your trade show appearance not only look impressive for visitors to your booth but simplify the process of attending the show for you and your business. If saving money and time is important to you, consider a tradeshow-in-a-box for all of your trade show needs! 


Interested in learning more about how a tradeshow-in-a-box can not only save you time and money, but make your trade show appearance shine? Contact Earnest Images today! 

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