How to Make Your Next Trade Show or Event Your Most Successful One Yet!

We’re finally having in-person events again. Are you ready?

The world is in a place where we can, once again, have in-person meetings, host trade shows, and attend events in a way we simply couldn’t just a short time ago. 

Even before our ability to attend events was restricted, creating a certain wow factor was required in order for brands to break-through to their audiences at trade shows and similar events. 

While that’s still the case today, there’s now an added element of pressure for organizations to create special experiences at live events, given how long it’s been for some since they’ve last had the opportunity to showcase their brands. 

So, are you really ready to present at your next big show? We want you to be prepared, so here are some tried and true tips that will help you create a unique and exciting live event experience. 

The event isn’t just the event. Leverage social media before, during and after!

Most events create special event or organization pages on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn. 

If you have one, work with your marketing team to like those pages and accounts, engage in conversations before, during, and after the event, and use features like event hashtags to ensure that everyone following the event sees your content and knows how they can learn more about your brand, both at the event and afterward.  

Create ways exciting ways to interact with your audience at the event

In an ideal world, people would simply want to engage with our brands simply because we offer great products or services, but we all know how difficult it is to break through at live events. With so much noise — both literal and figurative — to compete with, sometimes something just a little extra special is all you need to get the traffic you desire.   

You’d be surprised how much engagement you can get at an event by hosting games, contests, prize-driven product demos, and even specialty food giveaways.

We can create custom booth designs that feature games, touch-screens, and other elements, as well as make recommendations for branded prizes and more. 

Speaking of branded prizes…

Never underestimate the power of promotional products 

Listen, people love free stuff. There’s just no denying it. Why not give them something that they’ll love that’s a high-quality piece and it promotes your brand? One, they’ll remember you, and the more they use your product, the more people will see your brand, too!

The options for promotional giveaways are endless: bags, water bottles, bluetooth speakers, apparel, and so much more! We work exclusively with vendors who offer quality products and printing, so you can feel confident that your brand will be portrayed exactly how you want.

Your booth design is critical, but so are the people who are managing it

This event you’re attending is a huge opportunity in showcasing your brand, so why would you ever want to send people who don’t represent it at the highest level?

It’s essential that these folks are trained on every aspect of your brand, know your products and/or services by heart, and have a knack for engaging people and being engaging in how they communicate. 

Before you travel to the event, make sure you that you’ve properly trained all attendees, you have a clear and documented schedule for your both that includes necessary things like break times, meal times, client meetings, and other aspects that help you avoid leaving your booth unattended during the event, which is a big no-no. 

Make sure they have business cards as well as the latest and greatest sales sheets, brochures, promotional materials, and whatever other takeaways your customers will need to take advantage of your offerings. 

Use this live event as a way to grow your database

Yes, this event is a great sales and marketing opportunity, so make sure that you’re capturing as much potential customer information as possible. Remember the raffle we suggested earlier? Why not ask folks to share their contact information as their “entry fee?”

This way, you have even more information for your sales and marketing teams to use as future opportunities for things like e-newsletters, invitations to webinars, requests for reviews, and other ways to engage with the audience. 

Don’t forget the importance of “after” in before, during, and after

So, you’ve had a great event, met a lot of great people, and have a number of promising sales opportunities just ahead of you. So…what’s your plan of action after the event?

Just as having a clear vision of how your staff will operate during the event, you need a clear plan of action for your event follow-up strategy. 

Don’t wait more than a few business days after the event to contact the folks you met for follow-up conversations. Like you, they’re probably still buzzing from the event, but this will wear off once they’re back in their normal routine. Take advantage of this open window and solidify those relationships!

Looking for even more event support? Earnest Images can help! We offer the widest variety of trade show and event materials, including displays, branded promotional items, storage, design, fulfillment, and so much more.
Contact us today for your best event yet!


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