Corporate Gifting: What You Need to Know About Giving Gifts to Your Employees!

Corporate gifting: What’s the point?

An important part of maintaining a healthy company means focusing on critical aspects of the business that fall outside its financial health. 

Typically, the most successful organizations are those that give equitable attention to their cultural health just as much as they do their quarterly earnings.

One positive way of creating a better company culture and creating an attractive brand identity is through thoughtful corporate gift giving. 

You’re encouraged to use your imagination when it comes to corporate gift giving. Catered events, seasonal treats, branded swag, tickets to local events, gift cards, and even more luxurious seeming gifts like airfare and/or lodging are just some of the ways you can tell the most vital people in your company that they’re an appreciated part of the organization’s world. 

Let’s go over the ins and outs of corporate gift giving, and how you can make the most of these culture-making opportunities*. 

Corporate gift giving for employees

There’s no one who is more responsible for moving your business forward than your employees. Take note of special milestones in their time at your organization — their first day, work anniversaries, birthdays, promotions, the launch of new products or services, examples of where they went above and beyond — and celebrate them by offering a special thank you. 

Gift cards (think restaurants, coffee shops, and even cash cards), their favorite treats, and even specialty corporate branded items are an effective way to tell your team that they are trusted, they are appreciated, and that their success is central to the success of your organization. 

Employees these days increasingly want more than just a job. They want to be a part of something, and thoughtful, personalized corporate gift giving creates a tangible sense of belonging for many. 

Corporate gift giving for existing Clients

It’s no secret that acquiring a new client is a difficult process. But, of course, our work is only just beginning once they’ve finally become a customer. Now, it’s our job to keep them, by going above and beyond in how we serve them. 

Why not make their experience as a customer that much more satisfying by providing them with corporate gifts to show our appreciation. 

The onboarding process, their customer anniversary, when they’ve certain business goals, holidays, and personal milestones are the perfect times to say thank you for their continued partnership. 

Any brand’s goal is to create advocates for their products and services, and by reliably reaching out to your existing customers to show your appreciation, you’re keeping your brand top of mind in a positive and thoughtful way. 

Corporate gift giving for prospects

Your sales team needs every tool possible at their disposal to bring new clients into the organization. 

Leveraging the power of direct mail marketing and corporate gift giving are strong ways in which you can get a prospect’s attention, secure a meeting at an upcoming event, thank them for their time and attention at a recent meeting, or simply as a way to showcase that you’re a good listener by offering something that reflects their interests.

Your potential customers undoubtedly have a wide range of options when it comes to choosing how they do their business. How are you going to stand out from the crowd? Why should they choose you over your competitors?

It’s these seemingly insignificant things that can sometimes be the inciting incident that converts a prospect into a customer. You have the opportunity to show that your team listens, they’re considerate, and that sometimes business can be a very personal exchange. 

How do I get started with corporate gift giving?

The Earnest Images team would be proud to provide you with strategic insight on effective corporate gift giving, and should you need it, our assistance in finding the perfect company branded gifts for your event, team members, clients, prospects, and more.

Ready to learn more about corporate gift giving? We have years of experience in helping brands discover high quality products that support your brand’s mission and values. 

We’ve worked with countless organizations in the greater Portland and Southwest Washington areas in finding just the right gifts for their employees and customers. Contact us today to start giving back to the people who mean the most to your business!

*Please work with your HR team to ensure that any gifts you are giving employees, clients, prospects, and other relevant recipients are in compliance with any laws, regulations, or corporate policies in place designed to protect both the gift giver and receiver.

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